Easily pinpoint proven solutions for your neurodivergent kid, exactly when needed.

Join AnsweredIt and always have science-backed solutions at your fingertips. No more information overload and uncertainty — when your child is struggling you’ll confidently know what to say and do with curated, expert solutions for preschoolers to young adults.

$15 USD a month get’s you fast, targeted, expert solutions for parenting neurodivergent kids.




As a parent of a neurodivergent child, you may be feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, confused, worried, and desperate.

You’ve probably tried different approaches, but nothing seems to work. 

You’re tired of feeling alone and judged. You’re ready for solutions that actually work.

You may have anticipated that parenting a neurodivergent child would be challenging, but you didn’t expect it to be this hard

You're constantly putting out fires 🔥 and dealing with daily challenges. 

It's affecting your relationship with your child, your partner, and your other children. 

It's isolating and draining. You feel very alone. 

But it doesn't have to be this way.

You can have:

And that’s exactly why we’re thrilled to introduce you to the ultimate resource that will empower you with the tools and confidence to truly help your neurodivergent child…


AnsweredIt is your one-stop online knowledgebase for proven solutions that work for your child. With 200+ expert workshops on neurodivergence, ADHD, autism, anxiety, parenting, education, behavior, and more, you can easily search and pinpoint guidance in minutes with micro-targeted results that drill down all the way to the spoken words inside each video.

It’s not, “here’s a video that talks about this, now watch for 30 minutes.”

It’s “here’s the exact spot where this topic you’re looking for is discussed, in each relevant video. Just watch the parts you need right now.” 



In mere seconds, you can easily locate practical advice that works for you and your neurodivergent child when they’re

melting down. struggling with big emotions. freaking out. zoning out. frequently causing calls from school. battling with you over homework. struggling to make friends.

This tool is life-changing.

Here’s how it works

Challenging things happen.

Max and his mom, Maria, had a screaming episode this morning. They both got triggered and upset.

Use the micro-targeted search.

Maria wants these interactions to go better next time. She logs into AnsweredIt on her phone and types “screaming” in the search bar. In an instant, Maria gets a list of workshops that mention “screaming.” The search results zoom in to the points in the video where screaming is discussed.

Learn a better way.

Maria starts by clicking where Ross Greene, Ph.D. says, “For example, she’s having difficulty brushing her teeth and screaming about it. If we respond to screaming with screaming, we’re not solving that problem. If we respond to screaming with ‘You can’t scream at me, you’re in time out for 10 minutes,’ time out is not going to solve that problem. Truth is, taking away outside play, taking away tv, these are all things we do to try to modify the behavior. But we are much better off trying to gather information from the child about what’s making it hard for her to brush her teeth.” She watches for two minutes and learns how to problem solve challenging situations with Max.

See transformation. Continue or repeat.

Now Maria knows what to do to support Max’s needs and prevent these blowups about cleaning his room in the future.

After Max is tucked into bed, Maria spends 15 minutes of her quiet time watching some of the other targeted advice about “screaming” and learns what else might be contributing to his intense reactions.

Jennifer B.
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“I’m drinking from a fire hose following my daughter’s diagnosis last month and found your summit — your content and expertise is 100% top notch! This Summit has shaped the new normal of our parenting style and enabled us to have the tools, resources and experts to effectively raise up our kiddos, instead of just raise them.”
Kim Lewis
Kim Lewis
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“The [sessions] reaffirmed my current practices and approach and gave me some great mantras. My favorite from Penny was "You can either co-escalate or co-regulate" Total game changer.”
Adam C.
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“The information is helpful in a real-world way. It's not just concepts that are covered, but how to apply those concepts in real-life ways to help make things a bit easier for us and our kids.”
Tracy T.
Tracy T.
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“As I listened to the teachings, although the focus might have been different in each one, consistently hearing over and over again that kids need to feel safe, free from pressure, connected, and empowered, then they can move forward, was very impactful to me. It was also so validating to hear I am not alone struggling with my child and my ability to co-regulate (vs. co-escalate).”
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“You only gain so much information from the doctor. The topics during the summit went into much more details and gave information not given by the doctor. It was a great benefit to have access to so many different professionals and experts in one place.”
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“Very helpful and informative. I’ve already seen results in shifting my own mindset.”
Jennielle Potter
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"The 2020 Summit has been a great blessing to our family. I am walking away feeling inspired to try new things and prepared with knowledge and advice from leading experts in their fields. I could not recommend this more to parents whose child has been newly diagnosed or one who has been on this journey for years. I feel like everyone can glean something valuable from this Summit. Highly recommend!“
Crystal G
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"I have watched a lot of these types of summits recently and this has been the best. I am surprised by that and I want to sincerely thank you for that. You quietly and honestly asked the best questions and did so while sharing your own personal experiences in a very real and relatable way. You sought out a wide variety of speakers who answered questions I didn’t even know to ask.”
Kate Andrews
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"I don't think I've spoken to anyone I know this week without singing the praises of the speakers! I love seeing Sarah and Penny there every time to relate the expert's knowledge to their own experiences with their children.”
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"These expert sessions really helped me to understand my kids on a level I didn't think possible.”
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“Many educators I work with have an old-school approach where the child needs to conform to the rules in the classroom. I am realizing more and more that when students don’t comply, it isn’t because they won’t, it’s because they can’t.”

Take a look inside!

AnsweredIt is immediately available to you online once you register. Watch this video to take a guided look inside and see how it works.

(Play this video with sound on.)

This is the information you needed with the diagnosis, but didn't get.

Get precise and actionable solutions in seconds by searching our expert knowledgebase with micro-targeted results. With vetted guidance from experts at your fingertips, you can troubleshoot your challenges with ease and confidence, right when you need to.

You’ll be able to:

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"Thank you, thank you, thank you for this summit. It has been SO eye opening. I am seriously in tears because it is the perfect message at the perfect time. I've passed the link on to all of my fellow Autism mom friends. All of your efforts in organizing this are appreciated."
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“I’ve been on a parenting transformation journey and the topics I viewed reinforced all that I’ve been trying to do…and continued to inspire me to work hard at changing my patterns to better meet my kids where they are at. We have used identifying learning strengths and breaking down what is “vague” into manageable, well defined pieces.”
Diane Duncan
Diane Duncan
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“The best benefit of this summit was in its diversity of highly influential, informative and professional speakers and the wealth of wisdom they provide to parents and educators. They share the biology behind behavior which helps us all to be not only more patient but better prepared to deal with behaviors in a way which promotes growth vs hindering it.”
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“I just wanted to reach out to thank you so much for putting together this summit and allowing me to participate as a parent free of charge. I have been finding the sessions so incredibly helpful and encouraging. It's eye opening and educational to understand the world of autism beyond my everyday experiences with my son, but to hear beyond from experts I wouldn't ordinarily hear from, helps me help my son. Thank you.”
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“I have a renewed sense of hope for the future and a ton of new tricks in my bag! I could never have found all of these resources on my own in a lifetime, and you gave them to me in a week.”
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“The Summit [sessions are] a gold mine of information. Every parent of a special needs child needs to listen to it. Amazing!"
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“Not only do I feel empowered with knowledge, but also understanding that my son is who he is supposed to be. I'm grateful and proud, more than anything, I'm at peace."
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"I don't usually purchase summits, but I did with this one. Every talk was relevant, had lightbulb moments and full of practical advice."

Here’s what you get inside AnsweredIt...

For less than 50¢/day.

The knowledgebase keeps growing, too! Each month we add 3 expert sessions.

Searchable Library of Expert Workshops & Webinars

Quickly find targeted solutions for your child's unique challenges by searching our curated collection of over 250 expert workshops, webinars, and podcasts. With a simple keyword or phrase, you'll be able to pinpoint the exact moment in each resource where your topic is discussed and get the guidance you need in just moments.

Foundations Success Path Series

Establish a proactive approach and avoid constantly putting out fires or living in crisis mode with our Foundations Success Path Series. This series of 15 expert workshops and a workbook will help you establish the foundation for success and improvements before challenging situations arise.

Some of the Many Topics Covered in AnsweredIt

With AnsweredIt, finding solutions for the challenges your neurodivergent child faces is easy. With over 250 expert workshops and webinars, you’ll be able to quickly pinpoint exactly what you need in the moment, covering topics such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, behavior, executive functioning, and more. 

Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to help your child shine.

Here’s just a sampling of what you can learn in AnsweredIt

Meet Some of Our Experts

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We're Penny & Sarah!

We transform the science on behavior into real-life insights and strategies parents can easily apply and succeed with in everyday life with neurodivergent kids.

We are parenting coaches for neurodiverse families and neurodivergence consultants for educators. And, we are one of you. We are both raising neurodivergent boys who are now all young adults. We’ve been in the trenches and we’ve parented on our own terms, creating improvement and happy families. Not always-happy families, but families with lots of joy.

We’ve helped thousands of parents and educators like you create improvement for the neurodivergent kids in their lives, and we can help you too.

When our kids were diagnosed in the 2000’s, there was little information online for parents raising kids with ADHD or autism. Doctors provided some clinical information, but zero guidance on how to handle the day-to-day challenges at home and at school. 

We honestly used to dream about the existence of a knowledgebase like this — a central resource where we could learn about parenting and educating neurodivergent kids from experts and from people who are living it. We wanted the expert knowledge and the real world wisdom. 

Fast forward a decade and we started offering some of this through our online Summits. Now, all of those expert Summit sessions (which are all overlayed with our lived experience) are in one knowledgebase for you to pinpoint solutions right when you need them.

Let's look at another use example.

See how AnsweredIt can radically change your family.

Challenging things happen.

Imani got an email from one of her daughter’s teachers. Gabrielle is really far behind with her assignments and in danger of failing math. Her teacher has talked with her a few times but feels like Gabrielle doesn’t care about her math grade. Imani feels the same and she’s frustrated. It seems Gabrielle would rather be on her phone 24/7 than do well in school.

Use the micro-targeted search.

Imani wants to know how to get Gabby motivated to do her assignments and get them turned in. She logs into AnsweredIt on her phone and she types “motivation” in the search bar. In an instant, Imani gets a list of workshops that mention “motivation.” The search results allow her to zoom to the points in the videos where motivation is mentioned.

Learn a better way.

Imani starts by clicking where coach Jeff Copper says, “If you’re saying, ‘my kid’s not motivated,’ you’ve gotta change the game, because you’re banging your head against the wall. If they’re not doing their homework and playing Xbox, they’re motivated to play Xbox. You’re fighting mother nature and you’re not gonna get anywhere. You can’t change the kid, the idea, or the parent. You’ve gotta change the environment. That’s what you can have an impact on.” She watches for about 12 minutes and learns how to change Gabby’s homework environment so she can get her work done.

See transformation and continue or repeat.

Now Imani knows that it’s not a motivation issue, but an environment, dopamine, structure, and/or needing help issue. She has strategies that will support Gabby’s needs and help her create more learning successes.

After dinner, Imani spends 15 minutes of her quiet time watching some of the other targeted advice about motivation and learns what else might be contributing to what looks like a lack of motivation.

You don’t have to go it alone and blindfolded any longer. The hours wading through internet search results are over.

Are you ready to finally be

If you are ready

to become the parent you want to be and empower your child to thrive, while having the support of a community of parents who get it

to help your child get things done and succeed in the world without yelling, bickering, nagging, begging 

You are ready for AnsweredIt.

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“I have a renewed sense of hope for the future and a ton of new tricks in my bag! I could never have found all of these resources on my own in a lifetime...”
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“I feel more empowered and knowledgeable to raise my neurodiverse kid.”
Becky K.
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“This summit was a breath of fresh air! As a parent, I often feel like nobody understands, but these people GET IT! ...I feel less alone, there is hope, and we have more tools to work with. I cannot thank you enough!”

But you may be thinking…

"Nothing else has worked for us, why will this?"


"I've already spent a lot of money on stuff and am still struggling."

We get it. You’ve likely tried countless strategies and methods to help your neurodivergent child, and it’s normal to feel frustrated or even hopeless. 

But here’s the truth: AnsweredIt isn’t like anything you’ve tried before.

Our knowledgebase isn’t just another collection of resources — it’s a searchable, curated, and vetted source of expert advice on all things neurodivergence. 

We know what works and what doesn’t because we’ve been in your shoes. We’re moms who have faced the same challenges you’re facing now, and we’ve used our collective, real-world experience and the latest science to provide practical strategies and insights that have helped thousands of parents and educators like you improve the lives of neurodivergent kids.

So, if you’re feeling like you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked, don’t give up hope just yet. AnsweredIt is here to provide you with the tools, resources, and community you need to help your child thrive.

With our expert advice, you’ll finally have the confidence to support your neurodivergent child and see real results. 

And we’re so confident in the power of AnsweredIt that we offer a no-risk, 30-day satisfaction guarantee. We believe in AnsweredIt, and we believe it can make a difference in your family’s life, too.

By Now You've Noticed That This Isn't Your Typical Membership

Not only do you get curated, expert advice on just about all things neurodivergence in one place, but you get the added benefit of it being vetted by moms who also live it, in the trenches, just like you are.

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"It's really nice to have a place where you can go and learn how to support your children from people who see them as unique humans, not problems to be fixed. I have so much info rolling around in my head right now. These presentations are just so encouraging and such a breath of fresh air. ❤️"
Adam C.
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“The information is helpful in a real-world way. It's not just concepts that are covered, but how to apply those concepts in real-life ways to help make things a bit easier for us and our kids.”
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“Not only do I feel empowered with knowledge, but also understanding that my son is who he is supposed to be. I'm grateful and proud, more than anything, I'm at peace."

AnsweredIt was made for you...

Still undecided? Imagine this with us for a moment…

This is completely possible with AnsweredIt.

You’ll have access to over 250 curated, expert workshops that give you practical strategies and insights in the exact moment you need them

These workshops have helped thousands of parents and educators like you improve the lives of neurodivergent kids. 

And the best part? You won’t need to waste time watching hour-long trainings or reading through lengthy transcripts (unless you want to). We’ve set up an innovative information hub that will take you quickly to the solutions you’re looking for..

Plus, you’ll feel less alone with the support of our community of parents who get it.

Whether you’re a parent, educator, or another caring adult in the life of a neurodivergent child, AnsweredIt is the solution you need.

Remember, here’s what you get...

PLUS, the knowledgebase keeps growing! Each month we add 3 expert sessions.

Searchable Library of Expert Workshops & Webinars

Find micro-targeted solutions for your child's unique challenges by searching our collection of over 250 expert workshops, webinars, and podcasts.

Foundations Success Path Series

Establish a proactive approach and avoid living in crisis mode by following our guided series of 15 expert workshops and a workbook to facilitate your next actions.

Still have unanswered questions?

Sure, you can spend hours searching the internet, sifting through tons of content, trying to determine which advice is credible and relevant to your neurodivergent child. But who has time for that? AnsweredIt has already been curated and vetted by two experienced parents who have been raising neurodivergent kids for over 15 years. We have done the heavy lifting for you, removing the barriers and the junk so you can get to the solutions quickly and without the need to watch hour-long trainings or read through lengthy transcripts.

Anyone raising or working with a neurodivergent child who is struggling. While we address parents in the majority of the sessions, everything taught is applicable to teachers, therapists, counselors, and other professionals caring for kids with ADHD, autism, and/or anxiety. While some sessions address ADHD or autism specifically, almost all are applicable to both diagnoses.

The content is applicable to kids ages 4 through young adult. 

The workshops in AnsweredIt are from our annual Summits for parents and educators of neurodivergent kids. We host two summits every year and the sessions will be added, 2-3 each month, starting 6 months after each Summit event. We will add our webinars as they take place too. Approximately 40-50 new workshops and webinars will be added each year.

We’re betting that won’t happen because the content has been curated to be truly helpful. However, if you find that it’s not the right fit for you, we will honor that with a 30-day money-back guarantee plus you can cancel your membership at any time.

Of course! You can cancel at any time and you will not be charged again. And you can always come back if you change your mind.

There is no catch. We want to help neurodivergent kids, their families, and the other adults in their lives. So we make all our programs as affordable as possible. It’s that simple. No hidden agenda.

Join AnsweredIt and Change Your Family's Life for the Better

We know that as a parent of a neurodivergent child, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to help your child thrive. 

We’ve been there too, and we understand the frustration and stress that comes with navigating the challenges of neurodiversity.

But we also know that, with the right tools and resources, you can help your child succeed and create a calmer, more fulfilling family life.

AnsweredIt was created with you in mind, to provide you with science-backed guidance, tried-and-true strategies, and a supportive community that can help you and your child succeed.

So, it’s time to make a decision. 

You can continue doing what you’ve been doing and hope for a different result… 

…Or you can take action and join AnsweredIt to start seeing real progress in your child’s behavior, mood, and overall well-being.

We know it can be hard to make the decision to try something new — especially when you’ve tried so many different things before — but we truly believe that AnsweredIt will make a difference in your family’s life. 

You’ll have access to curated, expert advice on all things neurodivergence, vetted by moms who also live it, in the trenches, just like you. You’ll be able to quickly find targeted solutions for your child’s unique challenges and have the support of a community of parents who actually understand what you’re going through.

So, ask yourself this: are you ready to make a change? Are you ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, and start seeing improvements in your child’s life? 

If the answer is yes, then join us in AnsweredIt today.


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Stop the overwhelm of searching for useful parenting advice for neurodivergent kids on the internet.

Your hours long, days long, months long, years long Google searches are over!

When you join The Revolution Library, the practical expert guidance you crave is a quick keyword search away — right when you need it the most. 

The 200+ expert workshops — on all topics related to neurodivergence, ADHD, autism, anxiety, parenting, educating, behavior, and more — are searchable with micro-targeted results, results that drill down to the words spoken inside each video in the library. This offers you the ability to quickly pinpoint the specific guidance you’re looking for in minutes, not hours or days

Here’s what you get inside the Revolution Library...

Searchable Library of Expert Workshops & Webinars

Pinpoint expert advice on your challenges in moments. Anytime you're faced with a challenge you need help with, enter your keyword or phrase in the Library search bar and get links to every moment that topic is discussed in the entire collection of workshops, webinars, and podcasts. You will be able to target a solution in mere moments.

Foundations Success Path Series

There are approaches that form the foundation for improvements across the board. We've mapped out a Foundations Success Path to help you establish a proactive approach (instead of always putting out fires or living in crisis mode). It includes 15 expert workshops and a workbook to facilitate your next actions.

Support & Connection

This journey is undoubtedly more difficult alone. That's why support + connection are an important part of the Library experience. We meet up once a month on Zoom for a Changemaker Connection Call — to help you get results and to support one another, ensuring that no one feels alone navigating a neurodiverse path.

And the Library keeps growing! Each month we add 3 expert sessions, one download, and one monthly challenge, plus the monthly Changemaker Calls.

What if you could get practical expert advice on the current challenge you’re in the midst of in minutes?

When you join The Revolution Library, the practical expert guidance you crave for parenting and educating neurodivergent kids is a quick keyword search away — right when you need it the most. 

The 200+ expert workshops — on all topics related to neurodivergence, ADHD, autism, anxiety, parenting, educating, behavior, and more — offer the quick  troubleshooting ability you’re looking for in minutes, not hours or days. 🙌🏻

Replays of All Our Webinars

Sarah and Penny host many free webinars. As a member of the Revolution library, you'll never miss a webinar because all replays are in the Library free, forever. Topics include How to Meet Kids Where They Are and The Importance of a Sense of Safety.

Implement and get support.

Imani asks Gabby if they can talk and try to troubleshoot the problem. “You haven’t been getting your math work done. We’ve assumed you just aren’t motivated, but I think there’s more to it. I think you do want to succeed. What do you think is getting in your way?” Together they brainstorm and decide that Imani will serve as a “body double” and hang out with Gabby while she’s doing homework. They also decide to set up a homework corner that will provide an environment where it is easier for Gabby to focus than when she’s on the sofa.

That evening, Imani posts in the community forum to ask what strategies have been helpful for other members’ kids and families. She gets lots of great suggestions, and some much-needed support.