Survival to Success Accelerator™

Your Roadmap out of survival mode

Turn frustration and overwhelm into a clear and custom roadmap for helping your child live their best life.

It is possible to raise a neurodivergent child without all the yelling, bickering, nagging, begging, and pure desperation. It is possible for your child to achieve success and live their truth at the same time. You can step out of the crises and into clarity.

We tried everything to help our kids.

Starting out, we spent all our time trying to “fix” our kids’ struggles. We failed to realize that there’s no “fixing” it and that we, the parents, are the ones that need to change, not our kids. 

Our effort was 110%… but our impact on improvement was negligible. 

We remember those first few years vividly. We lived in survival mode. We felt like failures as moms.

“I remember when my son was little and his meltdowns were volcanic. I did everything I could think of to try to help him during those times and nothing worked. I remember the helplessness I felt one evening when I had to put all my might into just walking out the door of the store because my son was literally hanging on my coat tail and pulling against me with all his tiny might, screaming like I was physically hurting him.

I didn’t yet understand why the heck my son was acting that way, and that it was not within his control.

Once I realized that my son’s thinking brain was offline during a meltdown and his emotional and survival brains had taken over, I could finally improve our experience during a meltdown and even prevent them altogether.”


“I have two neurodivergent kids and they couldn’t be more different. My older son’s teachers always told me he was “a good kid” — he never acted out or hurt another kid in frustration — but he did sleep through class sometimes. It wasn’t until he was a junior in high school that I realized he wasn’t sleeping — he was dysregulated and “frozen with fear!”

My younger son was, as we called it, a “much more effective self-advocate.” We always knew when he was having a hard time! After he put the school into lockdown for the fourth time, we started taking parenting classes and reading every book we could find.

What made the biggest difference was understanding how stress behavior looked for each of my kids. Once we knew what to look for, it was easier to help them.”


That switch in how we thought about their behavior — from “they won’t do it” to “they can’t do it” — shifted EVERYTHING for us. Not to mention our kids.

And now we’d like to share with you the very same process we used to transform our families…

our Crisis to Clarity Blueprint™

…because we’d love to help you, too.

The Crisis to Clarity Blueprint in the Survival to Success Accelerator™ will help you...

This Program helps you transform from overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated, and alone into an intentional, calm parent who successfully helps their child thrive.

The Survival to Success Accelerator™ is a 7 module parent training program that provides the blueprint to calming the chaos and reactivity, fostering connection, and transforming challenging behavior.

The Crisis to Clarity Blueprint™

Once we began to follow this blueprint, we were able to help our kids through times of stress and prevent most meltdowns altogether.

We experienced some relief, a lot less anxiety, and more confidence in our parenting. Not to mention the improvement in our kids’ sense of competence, self-confidence, and the resulting transformation in their behavior.

The results are tangible!


to this:

Total chaos — almost daily inflexibility, intense outbursts, big emotions, and meltdowns.

A connected and regulated child! That means peaceful time with your child and your family that you all enjoy.

Feeling helpless — like the strategies you’ve used to help your child don’t actually work.

Having the Blueprint to tailor the strategies and tools you need to improve your child’s behavior and your child’s day-to-day experience.

Daily battles and spending all your time in crisis, putting out fires and just trying to get through the day.

Seeing potential and promise in your child’s future and knowing the exact process to help them thrive. 

The Survival to Success Accelerator™ transforms families.

As a compassionate and loving parent, you have the opportunity to help your child live their best and most authentic life, despite their differences. That’s our mission too, and why we created this Program. We want neurodivergent kids to feel confident and competent, and we want their parents to be proud of how they showed up for their kid and the childhood they provided.

Heidi S.
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"The course has really helped me as a single parent to understand what is going on for my daughter. I no longer see my daughter as an aggressor, but a person that needs support. The course has helped us to go from several meltdowns every day to the occasional meltdown every few months, but even those are not as intense. I feel so much more in tune with my daughter's needs thanks to the course."
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"The calm authority Penny & Sarah have helps me to stay in the green zone and feel understood. I'd like to have these teachings on continuous play in my mind until they sink in fully."
Robin L.
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“Your work is empowering and is making a REAL difference to families with complicated kids.”
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"I love you guys! You're always about helping us parents improve ourselves and our relationships with our children. Plus you keep it real!"
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“I really appreciate your insights and your passion. You have already helped me tremendously!”
Carol Stock Kranowitz
Carol Stock Kranowitz
Author of The Out-of-Sync Child
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This Program gets my highest praise and fullest endorsement. Employing their techniques, parents and kids learn to get in sync with one another while transforming their old chaotic interactions into newly connected ways.  

Say hello to the roadmap you've been looking for!

The Survival to Success Accelerator™

The revolutionary online course that helps parents of neurodivergent kids turn stress and overwhelm into a clear and custom roadmap for helping your child live their best life.

Perfect for parents of kids with diagnoses like:


— Autism

— Anxiety

— Learning Disabilities

consider this your parenting success plan...


Learn to reframe behavior in a way that's scientifically-backed and actually works for neurodivergent kids.


We'll show you how to determine what's going on in your child's body and brain and how that impacts behavior.


We'll show you how to determine what's going on in your child's body and brain and how that impacts behavior.


Before teaching your child new skills, it is crucial to bolster and nurture your relationship with your child.


Help your kids learn regulation strategies that work for them to help them take control so they can self-regulate.


We'll show you how to determine what's going on in your child's body and brain and how that impacts behavior.

It's your custom roadmap out of survival mode and into the family life you crave.

Here's what's included...

1: Shift Your Perspective on Behavior

When your child loses it, it’s difficult to avoid interpreting their behavior as manipulative, intentional, or personal. It feels rude, disrespectful, oppositional, defiant, lazy, etc… 

That’s why it’s imperative to adopt a new perspective on behavior first. You’ll learn to reframe behavior in a way that is scientifically-backed and actually works for neurodivergent kids. Understanding that there’s a LOT more to behavior than what you see on the surface will help you begin to decode behavior.

You’ll discover

2: Identify the Causes of Challenging Behavior

Biology and behavior are deeply interconnected. While your child’s behavior may feel intentional, in reality it is much more likely to be a biological stress response to a situation where their needs are not being met, they feel unsafe, or they aren’t able to meet expectations.

We’ll show you how to determine what’s going on in your child’s body and brain both during challenging behavior and when things are going well. 

You’ll explore

3: What to Do When Your Kid is Having a Hard Time

Understanding what’s going on in your child’s body and brain is important, but it’s only the first step to transforming behavior. Now we’re going to tackle step two: what to do when your child is experiencing intensity, aggression, or meltdown. There are certain strategies that are most useful at particular points in these situations, and many that are instinctual for parents, but totally unhelpful.

We’ll reveal

4: Nurture Your Relationship with Your Kid

By now you’ll have a greater understanding of your child and yourself, and, in particular, what drives your child’s behavior, and your own. But, the crucial next step, before teaching your child new skills, is to bolster and nurture your relationship with your child. Now we’re going to provide strategies for connecting with your child and helping them do what needs to be done.

You’ll Learn

5: Teach Awareness & Self-Regulation

Some kids have a harder time with self-regulation. Changing your behavior will help them, but they also need to learn how to take charge of their own bodies and behavior. Helping your children understand what is going on in their bodies, how they are feeling and what it means — in addition to learning calm-down strategies uniquely selected for them — will help them take control so they can feel better and do better, and learn to do hard things.

In the end, You’ll Know

Regulation Toolkit

Self-regulation is at the heart of many behavior challenges but it’s more than an essential life skill, it can become your child’s superpower. We used science-backed insights and our combined experience to create these regulation tools to help parents like you help your child develop the emotional intelligence and communication skills necessary to self-regulate.

The kit you’ll receive in the mail includes


Raising neurodivergent kids can be isolating and that makes the struggle doubly real. Our program offers one year of the support, connection, and community necessary to make change, keep going, and know that you’re not alone, including a monthly call on Zoom.

We are stronger together!

👆 Exactly what you need to guide your child to SUCCESS!

Plus, you get some incredible bonuses.

— When you register by midnight New York Time, April 22, 2024 —

Bonus #1

How to Carve Out Time and Maximize Your Results

What we want more than anything is for you to be able to get massive results from the Survival to Success Accelerator™. So we created a video on the mindset shifts and strategies that will jump start your family’s transformation. 

Bonus #2

Quick Wins Guides

Who wants to wait until they finish an entire course to make change happen? No one, that’s who! We have created three guides to get quick wins in common problem areas for the families we serve — Getting Ready in the Morning, Homework Time, and Parties & Playdates. Complete these short guides first and start getting results right away!

Bonus #3

Crisis to Clarity Blueprint 

One thing we get asked A LOT is “what do I say when my kid _____?” This booklet provides scripts for some of the toughest parenting challenges, as well as what to say to foster a growth mindset and problem-solving skills.

Bonus #4

Path to Regulation Flowchart

Who wants to wait until they finish an entire course to make change happen? No one, that’s who! We have created three guides to get quick wins in common problem areas for the families we serve — Getting Ready in the Morning, Homework Time, and Parties & Playdates. Complete these short guides first and start getting results right away!

Grab the Survival to Success Accelerator™ Now!

Inside the Survival to Success Accelerator™

Total Value = $1,919 USD

Today's Price
4 payments @ $100 ea.
or $347 for single-pay

The sooner you take action, the sooner things will IMPROVE.

Here’s our promise to you:

No-Risk Guarantee: Try the Survival to Success Accelerator™ for a Full 14 Days, 100% Risk Free

If you are unhappy with the Survival to Success Accelerator™ during the first 2 weeks, we want to refund you in full.

That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 14 days to explore the materials and experience the Survival to Success Accelerator™ and then decide.

We hear it all the time...

I’m trying so hard to help my child, but nothing seems to work. My child is struggling to regulate and manage big emotions. My child’s behavior is rude, disrespectful, oppositional, and defiant. My kid loses control and melts down over the smallest things.  We can’t go anywhere as a family because of our child’s behavior. I don’t like my kid very much right now. I’m so exhausted. I can’t keep going like this. I’m just going through the motions, not really living. I didn’t sign up for THIS parenting.

It's time to try something different.

You want to enjoy time with your child and help them succeed, but challenging behavior keeps getting in the way.

You feel like if you just knew what would actually help, if you had the right tools and guidance, you could finally find some peace and see your child succeed and grow.

It’s not that you’re not capable of being the parent your child needs. It’s that you just don’t have the right information, tools, strategies, and support… yet.

And we get it. We’ve been where you are. You don’t have to stay stuck feeling helpless and alone any longer.

Our Survival to Success Accelerator™ was designed to ignite your family's metamorphosis.

Yes, you’re going to learn A LOT about why your kids are the way they are and how you can truly help them succeed and grow!

But, we’re not about to leave you to figure it out all on your own (like you’ve probably been doing). We have used our collective training and experience integrated with the best from the experts in the field, to create ONE customizable blueprint to help you step out of survival mode, help your child succeed, and restore peace to your family.

Remember, it’s not a matter of doing all the things. That’s overwhelming. It’s about focusing on the things that make the biggest difference! And we will walk you through every step of the process.

You have the power — all you need are the tools and the know-how.

If you don't change your parenting approach... may very well stay stuck indefinitely.

You’re here because you don’t want to be stuck anymore, right?

You do have options, but only one helps you create a CUSTOM roadmap for your child.

There are a lot of ways you can learn about parenting and educating neurodivergent kids, like those with ADHD, autism, or anxiety. There are books, articles, videos, podcasts, and even online courses. Google will give you more results that you could read in a lifetime. You can spend years taking in all that information, trying to figure out how to implement with your child, and how to pivot to something that works each time a new approach fails. We did, but we certainly don't want anyone else to have to.

The Survival to Success Accelerator™ saves you from literal years of trying to figure it out on your own.

We get that you may have been burned by grand promises or parenting advice in the past, but we want you to know this... that's not who we are.

We're very transparent about what it takes to help our neurodivergent kids and teens, the reality of the struggle and unattainability of perfection, and the level of life work and persistent commitment required for transformation. And yet, we still have confidence that this program can improve your lives, 100%!

The Bottom Line

If you're not yet the parent you want to be, with a peaceful household and a neurodivergent kid who feels good, then the Survival to Success Accelerator™ will transform your lives — yours and your child's.

By following our Crisis to Clarity Blueprint™, you'll calm the chaos, teach your child to self-regulate, connect with your child, and create a family life you and your child deserve. You'll start each day with the confidence and ease of a parent who knows they've got this... and sees the greatness within their child.

Grab the Survival to Success Accelerator™ Now!

Inside the Survival to Success Accelerator™

Total Value = $1,919 USD

Today's Price
4 payments @ $100 ea.
or $347 for single-pay

The Survival to Success Accelerator™ is currently closed.

BUT, we've got you!

Join the waitlist and get our free Starter Kit that includes our Does My Child Feel Safe & Why Does It Matter? masterclass and some downloadable tools and cheat sheets designed to help you create some quick wins and get your family transformation started.

PROGRAM REOPENS JULY 2024. The waitlist will be emailed with first access.

We're Penny & Sarah!

We’ve helped thousands of parents like you create improvement for the neurodivergent kids in their lives, and we can help you too.

We are parenting coaches for neurodiverse families. And, we are one of you. We are both raising neurodivergent kids who are now all young adults. We’ve been in the trenches and we’ve parented on our own terms, creating improvement and happy families. Not always-happy families, but families with lots of joy.

We transform the science on behavior into real-life insights and strategies parents can easily apply and succeed with in everyday life with neurodivergent kids.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Survival to Success Accelerator™ is for caregivers raising kids with ADHD and/or autism and the co-existing conditions that often come with those diagnoses. This course is also good for parents of kids with significant anxiety, even without ADHD or autism.

We have designed this program to walk you through everything you need to use the tools and implement the system with your family effectively. Plus, we meet online monthly to support you. 

The program is designed for kids ages 4 and up. You’ll adapt some of the techniques depending on the age of your child. For example, sometimes teens won’t engage with you on something like the Feelings Poster. But you can implement it for yourself (so your kid can watch you trying to use the tools) or you can have everyone in the family work on it so one child doesn’t feel singled out. Or you may not use the Feelings Poster at all, which won’t compromise your results.

We’re betting it is. This is the information and approach that has helped our own kids and families and so many of our clients. If you find that it’s not the right fit for you, we will honor that with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Let us ask you a question: Do you have the time NOT to?  Struggling for years will definitely waste a lot of time, not to mention the toll on your mental and emotional health, your child’s mental and emotional health, and your relationship with your child. You can always make the time for what you feel is most important. Put in the time now to save loads of time (and sanity) over the long haul. 

We have found that parents are most successful with the program when going through it with a cohort. The support is much deeper when everyone is in roughly the same point in the course. We open the doors for a new group every Spring, Summer, and Fall. The enrollment dates for 2024 are: June 21-28, and Nov. 1-8. 

So, Let's Recap... Here's What You Get in the Survival to Success Accelerator™

7 Module On-Demand Course

This is your Crisis to Clarity Blueprint™. Inside the Survival to Success Accelerator™ there are 5 core modules showing you the exact steps to transform from overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated, and alone into an intentional, calm parent who successfully helps their child thrive. This isn’t just any other parent training… we’re going to create a tailored roadmap for transforming YOUR child’s behavior and literally map out the path to regulation for you. 

Exclusive Regulation Toolkit

The Toolkit includes: My Feelings Poster with Activities Tiles, Regulation Card Deck, Behavior Wheel, Feelings Wheel, and Feelings Stickers.

Workbook with Take Action Coaching Worksheets

The workbook is designed to help you internalize what you’re learning, but also help you make a plan of action tailored to your kid and your family so you can get results.

Support Calls, Connection, and Community

You get one year of the support, connection, and community necessary to make change, keep going, and know that you’re not alone. This includes 1 group Q&A call with us each month (that’s 12 calls!). The community and connection is forever.

Bonus #1: How to Carve Out Time for Maximum Results

What we want more than anything is for you to get massive results from the Accelerator. So we’ve put together a video outlining how to find and make time in a busy family, how to prioritize the course, and how to move forward through intention. 

Bonus #2: Quick Wins Guides

No one wants to wait to complete a program to start seeing results. That’s why we’re including 3 of our Quick Wins guides — Mornings, Homework, and Parties — so you can start seeing some positive change right away. 

Bonus #3: Crisis to Clarity Blueprint

This booklet provides scripts for some of the toughest parenting challenges, as well as what to say to foster a growth mindset and problem-solving skills.

Bonus #4: Path to Regulation Flowchart

This booklet provides scripts for some of the toughest parenting challenges, as well as what to say to foster a growth mindset and problem-solving skills.

Grab the Survival to Success Accelerator™ Now!

Inside the Survival to Success Accelerator™

Total Value = $1,919 USD

Today's Price
4 payments @ $100 ea.
or $347 for single-pay

We'll be here to support you all the way.

The Survival to Success Accelerator will help you feel relieved, confident, and genuinely prepared, and create more room for joy. So if you want to transform behavior, your relationship with your child, and your entire family, then we invite you to say “yes.” Yes to a happier kid. Yes to a happier family. Yes to a happier you.

We look forward to being your guide along the way.

Click the button below and register now. We’ll see you inside the program.

Remaining Time to Enroll + Get the Bonuses


Have Questions
Email [email protected]

Remaining Time to Enroll + Get the Bonuses


Have Questions
Email [email protected]

So, Let's Recap... Here's What You Get in the Survival to Success Accelerator™

7 Module On-Demand Course (value $997)

This is your Crisis to Clarity Blueprint™. Inside the Survival to Success Accelerator™ there are 5 core modules showing you the exact steps to transform from overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated, and alone into an intentional, calm parent who successfully helps their child thrive. This isn’t just any other parent training… we’re going to create a tailored roadmap for transforming YOUR child’s behavior and literally map out the path to regulation for you. 

Exclusive Regulation Toolkit (value $127)

The Toolkit includes: My Feelings Poster with Activities Tiles, Regulation Card Deck, Behavior Wheel, Feelings Wheel, and Feelings Stickers.

Workbook with Take Action Worksheets (value $57)

The workbook is designed to help you internalize what you’re learning, but also help you make a plan of action tailored to your kid and your family so you can get results.

Support Calls & Community (value $597)

You get one year of the support, connection, and community necessary to make change, keep going, and know that you’re not alone. This includes 1 group Q&A call with us each month (that’s 12 calls!). The community and connection is forever.

Bonus #1: How to Carve Out Time for Maximum Results (value $37)

What we want more than anything is for you to get massive results from the Accelerator. So we’ve put together a video outlining how to find and make time in a busy family, how to prioritize the course, and how to move forward through intention. 

Bonus #2: Quick Wins Guides (value $47)

No one wants to wait to complete a program to start seeing results. That’s why we’re including 3 of our Quick Wins guides — Mornings, Homework, and Parties — so you can start seeing some positive change right away. 

Bonus #3: Crisis to Clarity Blueprint (value priceless)

This booklet provides scripts for some of the toughest parenting challenges, as well as what to say to foster a growth mindset and problem-solving skills.

Bonus #4: Path to Regulation Flowchart (value $57)

This booklet provides scripts for some of the toughest parenting challenges, as well as what to say to foster a growth mindset and problem-solving skills.

The Behavior Revolution Program gets my highest praise and fullest endorsement. Families with neurodiverse children flourish under the guidance of wise and wonderful Penny Williams and Sarah Wayland. Employing their techniques, parents and kids learn to get in sync with one another while transforming their old chaotic interactions into newly connected ways.  

Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A.

Author of The Out-of-Sync Child and

So, what is the Behavior Revolution Program?

Raising kids with ADHD, autism, or anxiety is complex. Whether you’re a parent who just got the diagnosis or a family who has been struggling for some time now, this program will transform your child’s behavior so they can self-regulate, calm big emotions, and connect with others.

Step-by-Step Training

The step-by-step online course walks you through our Crisis to Clarity Blueprint™. You'll learn how to finally understand and connect with your neurodivergent kid and transform challenging behavior by teaching them how to interpret the messages their bodies are sending and regulate big emotions.

Regulation Toolkit

Self-regulation is at the heart of many behavior challenges but it's more than an essential life skill, it can become your child's superpower. We used science-backed insights and our combined experience to create these regulation tools to help parents like you help your child develop the emotional intelligence and communication skills necessary to self-regulate.

Support + Community

Raising neurodivergent kids can be isolating and that makes the struggle doubly real. Our program offers the community and 2x monthly connection calls necessary to make change, keep going, and know that you're not alone.

My biggest win from the Program so far has been making peace with… making peace. My child’s challenges related to ADHD and ASD have the power to completely derail our family’s daily dynamics, but as I’ve learned more about why these challenges are so common in neurodiverse kids [through the program] and have taken the time to get really curious about what my child needs to feel safe and regulated in this very overwhelming world, two pretty amazing things have happened:

I’ve stopped putting my child in situations he “should” be able to navigate (in spite of evidence that he can’t, yet), and safety and trust have grown from fewer disastrous “should but can’t” situations which has given my son the space to regulate, learn, and experience a growing snowball of small successes built on small successes.

Robin L.

Parent of a Child with ADHD and ASD

Enrollment closes April 22, 2024

No-Risk Guarantee: Try The Behavior Revolution Program for a Full 14 Days, 100% Risk Free

If you are unhappy with The Behavior Revolution Program during the first 2 weeks, we want to refund you in full.

Total Value $1,135 USD

$347 USD Today

If you have any questions or concerns about the program just email us.
We’re happy to help: [email protected]

No-Risk Guarantee: Try The Behavior Revolution Program for a Full 14 Days, 100% Risk Free

If you are unhappy with The Behavior Revolution Program during the first 2 weeks, we want to give refund you in full.

But, fair warning!

The doors close April 22, at 11:45 PM (NY Time).

Get The Behavior Revolution Program today!

LIVE Course, Toolkit, and Support

$797+ shipping
  • On-Demand Behavior Revolution Course w/Closed-Captioning & Transcripts (Searchable)
  • The Regulation Toolkit: My Feelings Poster, Regulation Cards, Behavior Wheel, Feelings Wheel, Feelings Stickers
  • Companion Workbook to Help You Take Action
  • Certificate of Completion
  • One Year Membership in AnsweredIt, our Parenting Knowledgebase and Community
  • 2x Monthly Connection Calls for Support + Community for One Year
  • Weekly Live Classes and Support Sessions with Sarah & Penny Over 6 Weeks (2 meetings/week) — July 25 - Sept. 5, 2023 Click here for meetings schedule.

Take a peek inside the program.

(Sound On)