Improve Your 5 Biggest Parenting Challenges Now

Simple Strategies to Create Improvement Right Now

Are you ready for a bit of life-changing? Life with a child with ADHD and/or autism doesn’t have to be chaotic, demanding, unpredictable, frustrating, overwhelming, challenging, and exhausting. 😲

It might feel impossible for it to be any other way, but my family is living proof that it’s absolutely possible.

It's all about your tools and perspective.

This free video training series addresses five of your biggest challenges in raising a child with neurodifferences and will help you start making improvements for your family, and yourself, right now! Get quick and simple tips and mindset shifts to create improvement fast.

The 5 lessons in this course cover:

What you'll accomplish in this course

Penny Williams


I'm Penny Williams.

Parenting ADHD/Autism Coach. Podcaster. Author.

Penny coaches parents raising kids with ADHD and/or autism. She’s the parent of a son with ADHD and autism, and the award-winning author of four books on parenting kids with ADHD, including Boy Without Instructions. Penny is the founder of and host of the Beautifully Complex Podcast

Get started right now.

You’ll have access to the first day’s lesson today. Then you’ll receive a lesson a day for 5 more days.