School Struggles Summit

Top Insights & Strategies to Help Struggling Learners Inside and Outside the Classroom

Twenty-four of the world’s learning, education, ADHD, and autism experts  have come together in one conference to share the evidence-based knowledge, tools, and strategies that help struggling learners succeed and shine.


September 28-30, 2023


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Ready to transform your struggling students' school and learning experiences and help them thrive?


Get tools, strategies, and insights that will:

🎯 reduce homework battles and disruptive behavior triggered by school and schoolwork

🎯 help a kid re-engage who has shut down or given up on school

🎯 help reduce the impact of reading, writing, and math challenges, like dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia

🎯 help your kid overcome executive functioning challenges to manage the processes required to get things done

🎯 get the services and accommodations your child needs, deserves, and has a legal right to

🎯 ensure that school struggles don’t negatively impact your child’s mental health and your relationship with them

🎯 recognize behavior as a stress response and a signal that your child needs your help to eliminate common stressors around school and learning

🎯 take care of yourself too, given the stress school struggles cause for parents and families too

Get tools, strategies, and insights that will help you:

🎯 make changes for your entire classroom that help struggling learners but benefit all students to save you time

🎯 foster an inclusive and just classroom where all students have an opportunity to learn and succeed

🎯 help you understand the needs of students who are highly intelligent but struggle with school and learning

🎯 help students struggling with reading, writing, math, executive functioning, ADHD, and/or autism

🎯 recognize behavior as a stress response and a signal that the student needs your help to address learning and behavior struggles with dignity and respect

🎯 manage classroom behavior with science-backed strategies that are also compassionate and effective (more than PBS) 

🎯 co-regulate with your students instead of co-escalate

🎯 shift from a compliance model to a humanistic model focused on connection, regulation, and collaboration 

🎯 prioritize the mental and emotional health of all students, and their educators

Kim Lewis
Kim Lewis
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“The [sessions] reaffirmed my current practices and approach and gave me some great mantras. My favorite from Penny was "You can either co-escalate or co-regulate" Total game changer.”
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“Many educators I work with have an old-school approach where the child needs to conform to the rules in the classroom. I am realizing more and more that when students don’t comply, it isn’t because they won’t, it’s because they can’t.”
Tracy T.
Tracy T.
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“As I listened to the teachings, although the focus might have been different in each one, consistently hearing over and over again that kids need to feel safe, free from pressure, connected, and empowered, then they can move forward, was very impactful to me. It was also so validating to hear I am not alone struggling with my child and my ability to co-regulate (vs. co-escalate).”
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“Very helpful and informative. I’ve already seen results in shifting my own mindset.”
Crystal G
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"I have watched a lot of these types of summits recently and this has been the best. I am surprised by that and I want to sincerely thank you for that. You quietly and honestly asked the best questions and did so while sharing your own personal experiences in a very real and relatable way. You sought out a wide variety of speakers who answered questions I didn’t even know to ask.”
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"These expert sessions really helped me to understand my kids on a level I didn't think possible.”
Jennifer B.
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“I’m drinking from a fire hose following my daughter’s diagnosis last month and found your summit — your content and expertise is 100% top notch! This Summit has shaped the new normal of our parenting style and enabled us to have the tools, resources and experts to effectively raise up our kiddos, instead of just raise them.”
Adam C.
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“The information is helpful in a real-world way. It's not just concepts that are covered, but how to apply those concepts in real-life ways to help make things a bit easier for us and our kids.”
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“You only gain so much information from the doctor. The topics during the summit went into much more details and gave information not given by the doctor. It was a great benefit to have access to so many different professionals and experts in one place.”
Jennielle Potter
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"The 2020 Summit has been a great blessing to our family. I am walking away feeling inspired to try new things and prepared with knowledge and advice from leading experts in their fields. I could not recommend this more to parents whose child has been newly diagnosed or one who has been on this journey for years. I feel like everyone can glean something valuable from this Summit. Highly recommend!“
Kate Andrews
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"I don't think I've spoken to anyone I know this week without singing the praises of the speakers! I love seeing Sarah and Penny there every time to relate the expert's knowledge to their own experiences with their children.”

The Experts

What You'll Learn

Join us on a journey of discovery where you'll grow to understand the hurdles that block some kids' learning and school success and how to overcome them. My goal is to empower you by providing the evidence-based information, support, strategies, and community you need to help struggling learners thrive.

Here's what's inside:

Specific Learning Disabilities and Academics

Learn how to spot a kid who may be struggling with specific learning disabilities — like dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscaculia — and how to help those who are struggling with reading, writing, and math, as well as ADHD, autism, and/or executive functioning.

The Impact of Social Emotional Wellbeing on Learning & Behavior

If kids are flooded with emotions, struggling with peers, or just not feeling safe at school, their thinking brains are offline and they aren't available to learn. You'll learn how to ensure that kids feel safe at school and at home so their thinking brains are online and they're available to learn.

Creating Opportunities for ND Kids to Achieve Success

When a child or teen learns differently than the educational system teaches, they have little if any opportunity to succeed. That negatively impacts their self-esteem, confidence, and sense of competence (and, eventually, their mental health). Learn how to create opportunities for neurodivergent kids to succeed.

At the end you’ll know:

Join thousands of parents and educators improving life for their neurodivergent kids — as well as for themselves and their families. 

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for this summit. It has been SO eye opening. I am seriously in tears because it is the perfect message at the perfect time. I've passed the link on to all of my fellow Autism mom friends. All of your efforts in organizing this are appreciated.
Lynn Davison
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“I'm so grateful to Penny and Sarah for pulling all these autism parenting experts together in one place. NOW I know where to go to research my questions. The speakers are passionate about what they know and they love to share it. Well worth the investment to be able to listen to their presentations on my own time. Thank you both!”
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“I just wanted to reach out to thank you so much for putting together this summit and allowing me to participate as a parent free of charge. I have been finding the sessions so incredibly helpful and encouraging. It's eye opening and educational to understand the world of autism beyond my everyday experiences with my son, but to hear beyond from experts I wouldn't ordinarily hear from, helps me help my son. Thank you.”
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“I have a renewed sense of hope for the future and a ton of new tricks in my bag! I could never have found all of these resources on my own in a lifetime, and you gave them to me in a week.”
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“The Summit is a gold mine of information. Every parent of a special needs child needs to listen to it. Amazing!"
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“Not only do I feel empowered with knowledge, but also understanding that my son is who he is supposed to be. I'm grateful and proud, more than anything, I'm at peace."
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I don't usually purchase summits, but I did with this one. Every talk was relevant, had lightbulb moments and full of practical advice.

The Workshops

At 9 am EDT US each day, that day’s sessions are released to watch free for 24 hours. Click here to see what that is in your time zone.

Specific Learning Disabilities & Academics

START (Free)
September 28, 2023, 9 AM EDT USA

September 29, 2023, 9 AM EDT USA

Identifying Specific Learning Disabilities

Natasha C. Gray, M.Ed. —Learning Disabilities Specialist & Founder of Spark Learning

Helping Students Who Struggle with Reading

Emily Fogg — Teacher & Founder of Wise Owl Tuition

Impact Formula: How to Help Students Struggling in Math and Writing

Cheri Dotterer, MS, OTR/L — Occupational Therapist, Dysgraphia Expert & Author of Handwriting Brain-Body DisConnect & Jonily Zupancic —Mathematics Assessment, Instruction and Intervention Expert & Author of “Making Mathineers”

Helping Kids with Dysgraphia and Writing Struggles

Jennifer C. King, Ph.D. —President and Founder of Dysgraphia Life, Expert Speaker & Research Scientist

A Roadmap for Effective Studying

Leslie JoselADHD-Academic and Parenting Coach, Founder of Order Out of Chaos

Supporting Students with ADHD or Autism at School

Sarah Wayland, Ph.D. —Special Needs Navigator and RDI Consultant

Differentiating Instruction for All Learners

Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., MS — Producer and Host of the ADHD Essentials Podcast, Internationally Recognized ADHD/Executive Function Expert

Understanding Your Student’s Asynchronous Brain

Seth Perler, M.Ed. — Renegade Teacher Turned Executive Function, ADHD & 2e Coach

The Impact of Social Emotional Wellbeing on Learning & Behavior

START (Free)
September 29, 2023, 9 AM EDT USA

September 30, 2023, 9 AM EDT USA

Connection Over Correction

Chazz Lewis, aka, Mr. Chazz —Consultant, Parent Coach, Conscious Discipline Practitioner & Podcaster

What to Do When Mistakes Overwhelm Neurodivergent Kids

Emily King, Ph.D. — Licensed Psychologist and Heath Service Provider

How to Help Neurodivergent Learners Feel Confident and Competent

Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC — Mental Health Counselor & Host of The Neurodiversity Podcast

Nurturing Emotional Health and Happiness

Brittany Cephas, LCPC, NCC —Licensed Pediatric Psychotherapist

What Really Motivates Kids (Hint: It Isn’t Always Rewards)

Katie Plunkett, M.A.T. — Teacher & Founder of The Calm Classroom

Integrating Play in Learning

Greg Santucci, OTR/L, — Pediatric OT, Founding Director of Power Play Pediatric & Creator of the Model of Child Engagement

Regulation is the Foundation of Learning

Elizabeth Sautter, MA, CCC-SLP —Licensed Speech Language Pathologist & Author of “Make Social & Emotional Learning Stick”

School Avoidance & Refusal

Dayna Abraham — Founder of the Calm the Chaos® Framework, Author of “The Superkids Activity Guide to Conquering Every Day”

Creating Opportunities for ND Kids to Achieve Success

START (Free)
September 30, 2023, 9 AM EDT USA

October 1, 2023, 9 AM EDT USA

How to Apply a Low-Demand Approach to School (A High-Demand System)

Amanda Diekman — Parent Coach & Author of “Low Demand Parenting”

What to Do When Smart Kids Struggle in School

Penny Williams with Luke Williams — Parenting Coach for Neurodiverse Families, Co-Creator of The Behavior Revolution Program, Author & Host of Beautifully Complex Podcast

Structuring Homework Time for Success

Stephanie Pitts, M.Ed, BCET & Rachel Kapp, M.A., BCETBoard Certified Educations Therapists & Hosts of the Learn Smarter Podcast

Flexible Structure for Getting Schoolwork Done

Diane Dempster, CPC, PCC, MHSA & Elaine Taylor-Klaus, CPCC, MCC — Parent Coaches and Founders of ImpactParents

Systems, Tools & Strategies to Help Students Manage Getting Things Done

Franki Bagdade, M.Ed, LLMSW — Clinical Social Worker & School and Camp Consultant Specializing in Neurodivergence

Securing Services & Accommodations for Neurodivergent Kids

Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed —Founder of the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship and Network, Creator of the IEP Development Assessment Wheel™ & Host of the Special Education Inner Circle Podcast

Crafting a Vision: Supporting Long-Term Goals and Inclusion in Education

Beth Liesenfeld, MOT, OTR/L — Occupational Therapist & Founder of the IEP Lab

How to Talk to Kids so They Feel Seen, Heard and Respected

Debbie Reber, M.A. — Founder of TiLT Parenting, Podcast Host, Speaker & Author of “Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World”

PLUS! sweet extras

Free Advocacy Bonus Pack

Everyone who registers for the Summit receives the Advocacy Bonus Pack immediately after signup to get some quick wins before the event. You get 4 sample letters for teachers and schools (Introduce Your Child to Teacher, Parent Concerns, Present Levels of Performance, and IEP Overview) as well as our Manifesto of the Neurodiverse Classroom, Student Profile Surveys, Project Choice Menu, and Visual Cue Cards for a lanyard.


The Hierarchy of Needs & Availability to Learn

September 21, 2023 at 6:30-7:30 PM EDT US

Not every child is physiologically available to learn at all times. Often, neurodivergent kids have many factors that can cause them to be dysregulated and their thinking brains to go offline. In this masterclass, Penny applies Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs almost as a checklist to decode what is impeding a student from learning or meeting expectations when it comes to school and schoolwork. In the end, you'll have a framework to troubleshoot a student's roadblocks to school success.

A brief Q&A will follow. A replay will be available to all registrants.

Fast Pass Upgrade

Unlocking Potential: Exploring Assistive Tech Tools for Enhanced Educational Access with Beth Liesenfeld, of the IEP Lab & Penny Williams

Workshop is $27 with Fast Pass.

Could assistive technology help your child/student overcome some of their roadblocks to learning? In this workshop, you’ll discover how to effectively leverage assistive technology tools in three areas: reading, writing, and organizing. Join us to peek over our shoulders as we walk through exactly how to set up and implement three powerful assistive technology tools. In the end, you’ll feel confident to advocate for tech tools to assist your struggling learner and ensure the educational access they deserve.

Don't miss out!

Get Immediate Access

You have the option to watch all 24 expert video sessions free for 24 hours after their scheduled release during the event. OR you can amplify the value, and your results, by upgrading to the Fast Pass.

The Fast Pass offers early access to all sessions and bonuses — get all the sessions on Sept. 21, 2023!

Fast Pass


Access the sessions via online, searchable library. PLUS apply what you’ve learned and take action with the workbook, and bonuses.

$137 USD $499


Gift a Fast Pass to a Teacher, Friend, or Family

You can purchase a Fast Pass to gift to someone at the current price by clicking here. OR, you can ADD a gift purchase to your own Fast Pass purchase for just $67 during the checkout of your Pass purchase (click the yellow button above).

No questions asked money-back guarantee

Purchase the Fast Pass to get the most out of the School Struggles Summit.

And, if you’re not 100% satisfied with the content before Sept 30th, I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. 

I’m convinced that you’ll love the sessions and all the bonuses — and see great changes from them — so I’m happy to offer this no-risk guarantee. 

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“I learned so much valuable information from this Summit. But the most important is that I’m not alone! I’m a special educator, and I learned specific tips to use with not just my son, but also my students!”
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“Just wanted to say that I attend about 10 online summits each year, and I really love how yours is organized. It is so easy to access and navigate. Plus: great speakers.”
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“Thank you for all that you do! This is one of the best summits out there.”
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“This was the type of training that I have been looking for since my children were diagnosed. So helpful to know about the challenges that others have gone through and the options available out there for me as a parent to prepare my kids for the future, in school, work, and social development."
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“For me, I'm so motivated to review the ways and which our little team could do better, feel better. I'm motivated around revisiting our sensory strategies and executive function training and support. And I feel super supported right now, which I totally needed. <3 Thanks for all you do.”

This Summit was made for you...

This conference is a great fit for you, if...

If any of these sound like you, you’re exactly where you need to be.

I'm your host, Penny Williams!

A parenting coach and educational consultant, I teach stuck and struggling parents and educators how to dial down the chaos and intensity and help their neurodivergent kid/student shine.

I believe…

More Praise from Our Past Summits